
GPToolbox is used as a base class to create GPTool wrappers for ENVI, IDL, and GSF Analytics.

class envipyarclib.gptoolbox.GPToolbox(tasks=None, alias=None, imports_template=<string.Template object>, execute_template=<string.Template object>, parameter_templates=None)[source]

GPToolbox is used as a base class to create GPTool wrappers for ENVI, IDL, and GSF Analytics.

  • tasks – a list of tasks to map to GPTools where each task name is a GPTool in the toolbox.
  • alias – The alias of the generated toolbox
  • imports_template – The template string code for defining imports
  • execute_template – The template string code for GPTool execution
  • parameter_templates – The python package containing parameter templates. Templates must implement the envipyarclib.gptool.parameter.Template class.

Creates a new GPTool for the toolbox.


Creates a new Python toolbox where each task name is a GPTool in the toolbox.

  • filename – the filename of the generated toolbox
  • service_name – The name of the ESE service containing the tasks. Only tasks from one service may be used.
  • tasks – The list of tasks from the service to build as GPTools.

Finds the script file and copies it into the toolbox

GPTool Parameter Builder

The GPTool Parameter Builder is responsible for creating code blocks to be placed into the main GPTool template. Each create method corresponds to a GPTool method that must be defined in order for it to be a valid tool. These methods implement the GetParameterInfo, UpdateParameter, and Execute methods of the GPTool Python class.

For example, to define a GPTool in a Python toolbox, start out with a class definition and implement the methods arcpy expects:

class myTool(Object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.label = "My Tool"
        self.description = "Tool description"
        self.canRunInBackground = True

    def getParameterInfo(self):
        # builder.create_param_info() goes here

    def is Licensed(self):
        return True

    def updateParameters(self, parameters):
        # builder.create_update_parameter goes here

    def updateMessages(self, parameters):

    def execute(self, parameters, messages):
        # builder.create_pre_execute goes here
        # submit job
        # builder.create_post_execute goes here
class envipyarclib.gptool.parameter.builder.ParameterMap[source]

Convenience class for holding a template map


Load the default templates


Register a non-default template

Parameters:module – The full package path including the module name of the template to load.
exception envipyarclib.gptool.parameter.builder.UnknownDataTypeError[source]

Error class for raising unknown datatypes


Converts a list of strings to a printable list of object names

envipyarclib.gptool.parameter.builder.create_param_info(task_params, parameter_map)[source]

Builds the code block for the GPTool GetParameterInfo method based on the input task_params.

Parameters:task_params – A list of task parameters to map to GPTool parameters.
Returns:A string representing the code block to the GPTool GetParameterInfo method.
envipyarclib.gptool.parameter.builder.create_post_execute(task_params, parameter_map)[source]

Builds the code block for the GPTool Execute method after the job is submitted based on the input task_params.

Parameters:task_params – A list of task parameters from the task info structure.
Returns:A string representing the code block to the GPTool Execute method.
envipyarclib.gptool.parameter.builder.create_pre_execute(task_params, parameter_map)[source]

Builds the code block for the GPTool Execute method before the job is submitted based on the input task_params.

Parameters:task_params – A list of task parameters from the task info structure.
Returns:A string representing the code block to the GPTool Execute method.
envipyarclib.gptool.parameter.builder.create_update_parameter(task_params, parameter_map)[source]

Builds the code block for the GPTool UpdateParameter method based on the input task_params.

Parameters:task_params – A list of task parameters from the task info structure.
Returns:A string representing the code block to the GPTool UpdateParameter method.

GPTool Parameter Template

class envipyarclib.gptool.parameter.template.Template(data_type)[source]

Interface class for mapping Task parameters to ArcGIS GPTool parameters.


Defines the code block for this parameter data type in the GPTool GetParameterInfo if a default value exists.

Returns:Returns the string.Template object.

Defines the code block for this parameter data type in the GPTool GetParameterInfo method. All code returned must begin with 2 indents. The template is substituted against the GP parameter dictionary.

Parameters:task_param – The task parameter information.
Returns:Returns the string.Template object.

Defines the code block for the parameter variable names in the GPTool GetParameterInfo method.

Parameters:task_param – The task parameter
Returns:A list of string.Template objects representing the parameter variable names defined in get_parameter.

Defines the code block for this parameter data type in the GPTool Execute method after the task is executed.

Returns:Returns the the string.Template object

Defines the code block for this parameter data type in the GPTool Execute method before the task is executed.

Returns:Returns the string.Template object

Defines the code block for this parameter data type in the GPTool UpdateParameter method.

Returns:Returns the string.Template object.